Horror of a tragedy in front and devil of an upcomming chaos in the back, You must be an Iranian to Understand what I am saying ...
But in brief I see a deep inevitable water whirl in the front side of our history which must surely be evited, watching the loose ropes binding the men together in a country deeming and noting that the fast approach to freedom ;freely saying what you think must be said; will loosen the ties more and more, will lead you to decision of being cautious about what is happening around. In spite of what Mr.Bush thinks the problem is not an easy one. ..
Of course there is a minority ruling a majority (It is always like this everywhere) and must be changed (It is always been said) but a long long way must be passed and a wrong step can change the history (just as it has been changed ) and lead us to a chaos (just as it was leaded), To most of the westerners Islamic Fundamentalism is something like an unshaved man wearing arabian clothes with a klashinkov in his hand. Mr. W thinks if he kills the man he would kill fundamentalism so he kills them changing them into everlasting heros for the youngsters (thanks god that our youngsters are far away from what I hear from Arabian countries) and this shit will continue as the dark history continues , The fact is upcoming now (while we were fixing the first) US is attacking !! Will it change a thing ? Of course ! It will end all were did during the past 200 years in another blood shed ! It will surely strenghten the Islamists in Arab countries and will surely fail the hopeful attempts for IR.IRAN reform and will surely affect what is happening in mini democracy in Turkey and will surely affect the Peace plans everywhere in the world nuclear sites , ABMs, BioBombs and it will surely will not make the world a safer place to live ...
Will it be good for the US ? Excluding Mr.W not !
Will it be good for Israel ? Of course not !
Some of Ammunition and militaries will get happy and men will be lost ! Not only in IRAN or IRAQ (Which is not an odd accidant) but also in other countries !
Think about it again Mr.W before you tell the troops to attack !
Sorry I am not sure if he can even think about it in the first time !
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