Saturday, January 04, 2003


HOO ! HOO ! Can you beleive the shit ?
Today for the very first time of its history the islamic government noted that they beleive HIV as a sickness not a crime and besides they admited that the virus is not a sky comer punishment for sinners of WEST but does infected 35,000 people of the holy land of ISLAM on the optimistic stats By SEX, ( They are beleived to be much more than this but this means the start of a history of HIV chaos in the country ) Can you beleive that ? It is the first time that they on TV admit that people do sex at home and further more they asked the youngsters to evit the unjustified sex in order to protect, but doctors interviewers and guests of the program all were not brave enough to tell the people about wearing CONDOMS. They got red , they got black and did not say about it !
HA ! HA ! It's rather joyful watchin' them swimmin' in their shit ...
But it will not redeem the sorrow which will come after , The huge major who will die just because of the fact that the governers does not want to spread the information because of political intentions .

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